Erasing Race Call for Proposals 2017-18

As part of its programming each year, the Center for Ideas and Society selects a theme and asks for proposals for speakers and events surrounding that theme. For 2017-18, our theme is “Erasing Race.” What are some of the histories of racial injustice, racial violence, ethnic cleansing and the like that have been omitted or suppressed in the “official” histories different countries present of their pasts? How does the politics of memory work? Has molecular genetics served to eliminate talk of race or the use of racial categories in medicine and the like? What about racial identities in contrast to biological ideas of race? What does a commitment to racial identities allow for or preclude? 57% of Americans thinks we talk too much about race. Do we? These topics are meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive.


  • CIS sponsored series for speakers, workshops, reading groups or other interdisciplinary events that explore the theme
  • All UCR faculty and graduate students eligible to submit proposals
  • Award amounts vary; up to $1200 available per event
  • Co-sponsorship proposals welcome
  • Award administration and event support provided by CIS

Proposal Preparation

  • Submissions should include description of proposed event and explanation for the relevance of the proposed project to the theme.
  • Justification for the amount requested should include any additional funding (committed or potential) as well as an outline of anticipated expenses.
  • If the proposal includes external speakers or experts, please forward short (2-page) CV’s or bios.
  • Graduate student proposals should include the name of a faculty member who has agreed to provide support and/or a letter of endorsement.


The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday, February 10, 2017.  All proposal documents should be combined in a single PDF and emailed to, subject line “Erasing Race-[YourLastName]”.

For further information, please call Renee DeGuire at (951) 827-1556

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